The Akre Family
Bean Hollow Grassfed
Brian Loch – Permabuild
Caroline Anstey
Cliff Miller
Dark Horse Irish Pub
Eddie & Terri Sutton
Fairlea Bed & Break fast
The Greve Foundation
Harris Hollow Foods, LLC
Jay Ward Brown
John Fox Sullivan
Judy DeSarno
Northern Piedmont Community Foundation
Oak View Bank
R. H. Ballard Shop & Gallery
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Rick & Dot Lessard
Seth Turner
Town of Little Washington
Jan Makela for Elf Costumes
White Moose Inn
CFC Farm & Home (the Co-op) in Rappahannock County
David Albee for the use of his absolutely beautiful vintage cars.
Rapp News for helping us get the word out to everyone.
Rapp@Home for the Handicapped Buses.
Drew Mitchell for everything he contributes, not least of which is the use of Avon Hall.
Sharon and Peter Luke for the dining area.
Matt Neiswenger for bringing his gorgeous horses and sleigh to transport everyone’s favorite Christmas Couple!
Lisa Schneiderman for space for music.
The Toles for the Christmas Trees.
Volunteers for help with everything.
Lions Club for help with parking.
Cheri Woodard for advertising.
Inn at Little Washington for the Parade Leader cart.
Kay and Rick Kohler, Mike Brown and Jeff Lunglhofer for WiFi.
Sperryville Fire Department for the use of the tables and chairs.